The human person regardless of gender, race, physical appearance, intelligence. Name it has bundle of rights. These rights do not go away even in death. Reason why we accord the dead their last respect.
# Bury them right;
# Attend funerals from far and wide;
# Observe a minute silence;
# Choose rather to extol the positive of a dead person….Perhaps this is because, death puts finality to certain parts of us, reminds us the same fate awaits us and makes us realize what has not been done for the dead cannot now be reversed.
For the living, what options are available? If the human person is capable of unique feelings and interpretation to things, usually a factor of so many things- culture, historical bondages, experiences, personality and societal pressures, why then, do we pretend not to understand these fundamentals to seek ways of mutual understanding and using such knowledge to forge the path of progress?
Why have we found it so hard to co-exist as a tribe and nation? Disintegration may appear suitable, favourable in the circumstance but have we considered that by doing so, we may have solved the problem “NIGERIA” and gone ahead to create another ?Have we considered that if we could …
# Stop to reflect on our actions, thoughts when dealing with another, it may help
# See ourselves in another, it may just help us understand the “why” in another’s unreasonable behaviour. Such understanding provides the lens and emotional strength for further engagement.
# Embrace diversity as strength, it may just help to strike a balance in every situation of possible infringement of another’s rights, feelings, privileges, obligations and demands.
# Change the narrative, emphasizing on our individual strength, sitting on our demons and putting forth our best possible foot in matters of nation building?
It’s been 57 solid years of same story Nigeria. Time to change the discus to something more sustainable, which looks out for all!
Happy Independence Day Nigeria!
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