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21st Century Workplace

EMPLOYMENT AND THE 21stCENTURY WORKPLACE: Conflict Analysis, Resolution and Management Practices through workforce empowerment.


In an era where the workplace is characterised high levels of diversity, volatility, uncertainty, complexities, ambiguity, different perspectives to work, evolving technologies, and rapid changes; conflict are bound to emerge. As abhorred conflicts are, they do not have to hinder progress.  If well managed, they can act as catalyst for growth and innovation.

The complexities of our VUCA work place often required diverse expertise amongst staff, collaborative and cross-functional abilities for addressing multifaceted challenges. Consequently, when complexities are heightened, to knowledge we must all turn.

This training explores the dynamics of conflict, conflict resolution and management within the work setting. This training is aimed at equipping all participants with the necessary skill and knowledge to analyse, resolve and manage conflicts and disagreements in the 21st century workplace.

Utilizing result-driven strategies staff are trained to manage customer grievances, challenges and team dynamics more harmoniously to foster a productive workplace and create desired experiences. Interestingly, at the end of this training, participants are empowered to embrace conflict as an opportunity for constructive dialogue, collaboration, purposeful engagements and problem-solving.

FOR WHOM: All levels of Staff