Finding the right talent for positions in your organization is one thing, having them settle-in into productive members is another. Consequently, staff timely and effective integration into the organization is one of the critical success factors to having a new staff settle-in into the business of the organization.
Our Onboarding process isn’t an orientation process in itself. Our onboarding solution seeks to not only integrate new staff but also to also deploy research-based models to capable of SHRINKING HUMAN CAPITAL risks to the barest minimum, improve employee engagement and contain high regretted turnovers.
Our Onboarding-program underscores the fact that an organization can hire new hands and hope the new hire adequately aligns with their corporate culture; or the organization can altogether ENSURE a system is in place to establish the alignment from the very beginning.
To ensure effectiveness, this program is delivered within 3 or 6 Months as required by the organization.