Leadership is everything far and in between! Character evolves from our experiences, orientations, values and actions from over the years. Values are your sets of beliefs that govern your behaviour and outlook to life.
The new movie THE BLACK PANTHER is one of those movies that embeds a lot of humour, thought provoking life lessons with rich history, heritage and culture. We choose to share some of the lessons espoused in that movie-
1. Leadership comes with fears too regardless of years of conquered kingdoms but fear is only a message that you need to prepare a little more than anticipated. You can never under estimate the enemy or what lies ahead. Chance and opportunity is for the prepared mind;
2. You cannot let the mistakes of the past (from your ancestors, Father, Mother, You, Leaders past, name it )define who you are or should be. Today is here with new opportunities to be grabbed. The decision is all yours to make today what you want and how it should end. We have the power and it’s always our call to right the wrongs of the past. If not, we have no claim to be better than those of the past.
3. True freedom is the ability of the human person to truly live the highest expression of himself particularly in mind. If you are free physically but cannot decide the path to go, that mind is powerless and in chains. He or she is no more than the man incarcerated. Mandela when he was released said he chose to forgive is prosecutors because if he didn’t, he would still be in chains, in prison, under their bondage though released;
4. A man who has not prepared his own son for his death has failed. Legacy is proof of work that has been done by the actors, leaders in the family, organization and nation. Posterity always remembers, never forgives and will always judge.
5. Whether the truth is too much to bear, is not the choice of the holder of the truth to make. You have a right to know the truth and by all means also choose how you want to deal with it. Let no man decide your predicament by serving you false stories.
6. The symbols of leadership you espouse ( mannerism, gestures, dressing, communication style etc.) inspires the level of commitment and engagement of the led.
7. A true leader fights not only for himself, household but for the greater good. When you fight for what belongs to you, let it also be because you know with that “platform”you will be able to fight for the common good of all.
Therefore to lead, you must first seek to know who you are, your values, source of strength and what you are ready to stand behind regardless of the opposition. This is critical because a day will come when a demand will be made on what you believe in, for which you are ready to give your all(including yourself or that which is very important to you). If you must rebel in such situations, do so for a cause… the “RIGHT” cause.
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