Can you be responsible for the growth, development and progress of another?
There are variety of gifts and talents and if all of us would look deep within ourselves to find that which
makes us unique and nurture it, the world would better for it.
If we hold this to be true, why then are we still held down even knowing we are selling ourselves
short? Why?
Could Fear, inertia, lack of courage, motivation, drive…the list is endless be responsible?
What if today you resolve within you to be more-
1) Attentive to those things that make you come alive;
2) Truthful to yourself;
3) Open to explore new frontiers;
4) Engaging to things around you;
5) Open to new knowledge;
6) Loving and forgiving
7) Hardworking
8) Careful, taking calculated risks
9) Humane
10) Willing to Learn, Unlearn, Relearn and Change what isn't serving you
If you can resolve and follow through to things that concern you, there could be
Someone watching,
Someone who looks up to you for guidance, someone who mirrors you,
Someone who is looking for the reason to stand up and be counted,
Someone who is looking for how to take the next life step,
Someone who has been placed within your sphere of influence for you to act as a bridge for them,
There could just be someone…
When you are able to let your light shine, be liberated from what has held you down, you may just be
the reason for the liberation of another!
Liberation is positive, embrace it!
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