Success is one of those relative words whose meanings are derived from the user at the time. This means success can mean different things to different people and may appear to change through out their lifetime. Success applies to different entities. It can be looked at the level of an individual, Organization, Community or Nation. Regardless of the level, one truth remains constant- there must be an awareness of some sort of the characteristics of the Individual, Organization, Community or Nation to understand that makes it distinct, unique and different from the rest for which it pitch its tent for all other activities.
At the individual level, psychologists and research has shown us that one of the first steps to success is Self-Awareness. They assert that this understanding when made puts things in perspective, helps you identify your strengths, weaknesses, areas of potential growth and failure (for lack of a better word) and areas for further development in order to ensure they do not act as barriers to our strengths. Armed with this insight and the will power (focus, commitment, perseverance, resilience and courage) to utilize your new findings, you are ready to engage with the world, learn, grow, resist what diminishes you, embrace what enhances your core strength and leave a legacy. Successful personalities of our world have grown to become true contributors (and successful too) because of a high level of early self-understanding and the engagement of themselves in endeavours that speak more to their strength than what the societal pressures are fixated on.
Organizations on their part in seeking to bring people on board deploy all mechanisms (objective assessment tools) to better understand candidates- their skills, character, personality, potential for growth, work values and interests. This helps them arrive at a more objective view of a person rather then relying on their gut feeling to know if this is the candidate they seek.
We have seen the increasing use of diverse psychometric tests as objective tools in assessing people across different psychological constructs that have been known to help differentiate an individual from another and predict performance outcome. Abilities, Aptitude, Personalities, work values and interests differ, it is therefore important that an understanding across these lines are explored to ensure “fit”, that the right candidate has been selected and that an alignment is achieved between the right candidate and the business needs of the organization.
Therefore in your pursuit for success for yourself or organization, begin with the understanding of who you are and who your candidates are. Use objective and research –based psychometric tests to begin this knowledge search for you and all intending new employees.
We can help with objective assessment tools…
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