Teachers, Curriculum Developers, Career Counselors, School Administrators, Parents and Guardians as key influencers of the Rise and Decline of Gross Domestic Product(GDP) in Nigeria

A good way of measuring the economy of a nation is to look at its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) indicators. The GDP of any economy is the monetary value of all final goods and services produced by all people within the countrywithin a given period.The rise of the GDP rates are desirable because it comes with more investment due to the opportunities created, more personal income, job growth and general well being of the citizenry…all things being equal.

Statistics from Tradingeconomics.com, Central Bank of Nigeria reports a 3.23% actual, -12.9% previous as at 2017-09-05; actual of 8.97% as at 2017-11-20; 4.29% as at 2018-02-27. Statistics from the same source (Tradingeconomics.com, U.S Bureau of Economic Statistics) reports a steady growth of 1.35%, 2%, and 2.875% from 2015 to 2017 respectively. While I do not intend to get into the economics of GDP, I choose to evaluate the one of the key drivers of GDP outcome- the QUALITY and POTENTIAL of the WORKFORCE. It will be stating the obvious that, a nation composed of skilled manpower have a higher rate of productivity and innovation than one in lack of such vibrant skillful and value creating workforce.People make a nation; the value of a nation is a direct reflection of the quality of its people.

The Human Capital Index of 2016 identified the top 10 economies leveraging their human capital potential and establishing a prepared workforce for competitive economics as Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Japan, Sweden, New Zealand, Denmark, Netherlands, Canada and Belgium in ascending order.

Leveraging the human capital of a country entails amongst other things- the considerate investment in the educational and scholastic preparation of the future workforce, use of value-creating and current training curriculum for teachers and students that meets the demand ahead, opens up opportunities for students (the future workforce) to explore and apply themselves in novel areas, provides internship programs for educational and labour market systems learning integration and development of right skills for easy transition to the labour market.

Our reality in Nigeria is an increasing population growth rate (about 3.5%), brain drain, declining jobs, high unemployment rates greatly attributable to inadequate skills and misalignment of skills with that demanded by the employer,demographic shift, a changing world of work due to globalization and technological advancement, decline in our educational values, obsolete school curriculum, poor pedagogy style of teaching and general inefficiency of some regulatory bodies entails an interesting world of work ahead of us.

In the light of these realities, what measurable solutions do we have to deploy if we seek to improve the economic opportunities and competitiveness of our youth and the resultant GDP outcome of our economy? What interventions can we begin to implement today?

It is suggested that as an immediate intervention measure,

  • Our educational and training system must reinvent itself to churn out candidates with the needed right skills- technical and soft skills. By reviewing our school curriculum to make more relevant, in line with 21st Century market-driven skills (STEAM skills) and realities;
  • A review of collegiate curriculum and capacity building programs of our teachers, curriculum developers to equip them how to not only improve quality of content knowledge but also how to incorporate the diverse learning styles (visual, kinesthetic and auditory) in the pedagogical strategies used in teaching to ensure the uniqueness of each student is considered and students actually learn for increased knowledge transfer and application in innovative ventures;
  • A review of the assessment format of our students in ways that reward not ability to regurgitate lesson taught but the actual use of the knowledge acquired to anticipate and solve problems;
  • Incorporate School programs that enlighten parents and care givers on how to support their wards in diverse ventures in recognition of our different areas of talents, endowment as the theory of Multiple Intelligence (Howard Gardner of HBS) posits. This understanding when made, will reduce the focus on typical careers-Law, Medicine, Engineering to careers of the future;
  • Incorporate Career Counseling programs in schools as an intentional measure to assist students in better career planning and decision-making (e.g. subject-choices, identification of areas of interest and preference through psychometric testing, self reflection etc.) as well as non-academic learning initiatives. This provides opportunity for personalized guidance particularly forstruggling students for more educational inclusion. self-sufficiency and value creation.
  • Community Engagement Initiatives in schools both at the secondary and tertiary institutions. The problems to be solved reside in the community and the earlier students get used to seeing and seeking solutions to them, the earlier they are able to engage in deep critical thinking on producing goods and services that speak to the challenges of our society;
  • More educational and employer-labour market partnership for internship(students) and externship (teachers) opportunities for better classroom connection to work.

Knowledge is key for growth and development. Creativity thrives best when the brain is engaged at it most optimal and stimulating level. The products from our educational and training systems will be better of and richer in quality if we are more intentional on what, how and why we teach. A vibrant and relevant system will encourage students to apply themselves in varied and distinct domains that leads to positive ripple effects- low employment rates, reduction in crime, self-fulfillment, increasing GDP etc.

It is in doing what we know how to do best that we are able to leave our comfort zones, do simple but profound work that adds value to our communities and our world.


Awareness” (you and your recruits), a powerful tool to the desired “Success”

Success is one of those relative words whose meanings are derived from the user at the time. This means success can mean different things to different people and may appear to change through out their lifetime. Success applies to different entities. It can be looked at the level of an individual, Organization, Community or Nation. Regardless of the level, one truth remains constant- there must be an awareness of some sort of the characteristics of the Individual, Organization, Community or Nation to understand that makes it distinct, unique and different from the rest for which it pitch its tent for all other activities.

At the individual level, psychologists and research has shown us that one of the first steps to success is Self-Awareness. They assert that this understanding when made puts things in perspective, helps you identify your strengths, weaknesses, areas of potential growth and failure (for lack of a better word) and areas for further development in order to ensure they do not act as barriers to our strengths. Armed with this insight and the will power (focus, commitment, perseverance, resilience and courage) to utilize your new findings, you are ready to engage with the world, learn, grow, resist what diminishes you, embrace what enhances your core strength and leave a legacy. Successful personalities of our world have grown to become true contributors (and successful too) because of a high level of early self-understanding and the engagement of themselves in endeavours that speak more to their strength than what the societal pressures are fixated on.

Organizations on their part in seeking to bring people on board deploy all mechanisms (objective assessment tools) to better understand candidates- their skills, character, personality, potential for growth, work values and interests. This helps them arrive at a more objective view of a person rather then relying on their gut feeling to know if this is the candidate they seek.

We have seen the increasing use of diverse psychometric tests as objective tools in assessing people across different psychological constructs that have been known to help differentiate an individual from another and predict performance outcome. Abilities, Aptitude, Personalities, work values and interests differ, it is therefore important that an understanding across these lines are explored to ensure “fit”, that the right candidate has been selected and that an alignment is achieved between the right candidate and the business needs of the organization.

Therefore in your pursuit for success for yourself or organization, begin with the understanding of who you are and who your candidates are. Use objective and research –based psychometric tests to begin this knowledge search for you and all intending new employees.

We can help with objective assessment tools…

Life Lessons from the movie: THE BLACK PANTHER


Leadership is everything far and in between! Character evolves from our experiences, orientations, values and actions from over the years. Values are your sets of beliefs that govern your behaviour and outlook to life.

The new movie THE BLACK PANTHER is one of those movies that embeds a lot of humour, thought provoking life lessons with rich history, heritage and culture. We choose to share some of the lessons espoused in that movie-

1. Leadership comes with fears too regardless of years of conquered kingdoms but fear is only a message that you need to prepare a little more than anticipated. You can never under estimate the enemy or what lies ahead. Chance and opportunity is for the prepared mind;
2. You cannot let the mistakes of the past (from your ancestors, Father, Mother, You, Leaders past, name it )define who you are or should be. Today is here with new opportunities to be grabbed. The decision is all yours to make today what you want and how it should end. We have the power and it’s always our call to right the wrongs of the past. If not, we have no claim to be better than those of the past.
3. True freedom is the ability of the human person to truly live the highest expression of himself particularly in mind. If you are free physically but cannot decide the path to go, that mind is powerless and in chains. He or she is no more than the man incarcerated. Mandela when he was released said he chose to forgive is prosecutors because if he didn’t, he would still be in chains, in prison, under their bondage though released;
4. A man who has not prepared his own son for his death has failed. Legacy is proof of work that has been done by the actors, leaders in the family, organization and nation. Posterity always remembers, never forgives and will always judge.
5. Whether the truth is too much to bear, is not the choice of the holder of the truth to make. You have a right to know the truth and by all means also choose how you want to deal with it. Let no man decide your predicament by serving you false stories.
6. The symbols of leadership you espouse ( mannerism, gestures, dressing, communication style etc.) inspires the level of commitment and engagement of the led.
7. A true leader fights not only for himself, household but for the greater good. When you fight for what belongs to you, let it also be because you know with that “platform”you will be able to fight for the common good of all.

Therefore to lead, you must first seek to know who you are, your values, source of strength and what you are ready to stand behind regardless of the opposition. This is critical because a day will come when a demand will be made on what you believe in, for which you are ready to give your all(including yourself or that which is very important to you). If you must rebel in such situations, do so for a cause… the “RIGHT” cause.



CSR: First Quarter 2018 at St. Martin Nursery & Primary School Igboukwu Anambra State, Nigeria 6th of February 2018.

SAY 2016

CSR- First Quarter 2018

For Teachers: Leading Self in the 21st Century

Our first quarter development initiative for public schools and low-income geographical regions took us to St. Martin Nursery/Primary School, Igboukwu, Anambra State, Nigeria Monday, the 6th of February 2018. It was such a delight sharing our thoughts with 28 teachers on “Leading Self in 21st Century”.Beginning with factors of production, the need for balance of the four factors for guarantee success, we created a line of sight of their role (Labour) with the goals of the school and their contribution to ensuring that each pupil in class is equipped with the skills to compete on the global scene. Bringing different dimensions and perspectives on how they should begin to think of themselves and what they actually do on daily basis, we observed that despite being constrained by location, amenities, learning and teaching aids, these remarkable teachers and theirAdministrators were whole heartedly committed to transcending each barrier and doing the needful. They shared their thoughts and asked what they could do and how they could together collaborate to meet the objective of the school. We encouragedthem to articulate and understandtheir individual “WHY’s” as a key influential ingredient on what they choose and begin to do.

In our normal fashion we asked the Elephant in the room question-

Why are you teaching?

Some responses stated the obvious (economic ends), which was expected, we did not hesitate to remind them of their inherent ability, power and right to choose their actions and experiences. That by exercising this power to choose their attitude, actions, deeds and belief systems in line with the objectives of the school, they would be taking a stake in the intellectual development of the future workforce and contributing their share to the nations developmental goals. For the people side of the business to do its best work, it is imperative that caregivers (teachers) and doing so for the right reasons. It is only in that mindset will they be able to apply themselves to building a rich pool of talent from these young stars.

We at Helena Frey are glad and privileged to be associated with this set of human capital developers. (See more pictures of these wonderful women in our gallery)

As you step out today, in your preferred career domain, why are you doing what you are doing and what have you chosen to contribute, to give?


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“Teaching In Freedom, Empowering Teachers”

The formal education system has been structured to reward students for their ability to retain and regurgitate what has been taught. The teacher in this system prepares the notes with prescribed answers, offers it to students and sometimes offers the students the ever desirable “area of concentration” prior to testing or examination. Students who are able to retain and remember what is taught are usually positively rewarded. On the other hand, the student who generates original answers and is rather open to having a different perspective to approaching examination questions, more often than not, is usually not as lucky. While this pedagogy style has worked over the years, abundance of research has found the limiting factor inherent in this system or style of education. In recent times, we have seen the rise of Montessori style of teaching from an early stage, where each student is allowed to learn at their own pace, arrive at solutions from doing and learning by making mistakes.
No two persons are the same, hence the uniqueness of a person and their characteristics,appears to be a vital factor to consider in how we learn, take in information to solve problems and engage our world. This is recognizable in the three (3) acceptable learning styles. The-

  • AuditoryLearning Style: These are people who learn best when the information is in a form that appeals to their auditory sense organs. Such people are more inclined torhymes, dictating, short lectures, chants, music, group discussion, debates and story telling.
  • Visual Learning Style: These are people who are able to learn and understand best what they observe and see with their eyes. For this group of people, pictures, gesticulations, maps, notes, physical movements, diagrams, videos, charts and manuals resonate with them.
  • Kinaesthetic Style: People within this category have a core-learning requirement for physical strength or dexterity. They learn best by doing and practicing. These people will be naturally be inclined towards engaging in varied experiments, activities requiring body hand coordination, giving presentations, engaging in drama, stage plays etc.

Teachers are the second-highest determining factor in the development of individuals, after the parents, preparing students for their future careers and teaching them valuable skills. It must not be forgotten that children take on role models while learning and that is why the behaviour and attitude of teachers, which they spend the most time with apart from their parents, has an effect on their personality development and outcome.

Professional Knowledge. Teaching Practice. Leadership. Community.

Understanding learning styles and the role of learning styles in the teaching/learning process is a key component in effective teaching. According to Sarasin, “teaching cannot be successful without the knowledge of learning styles and a commitment to matching them with teaching styles and strategies”. Teachers require knowledge of the unique skills that each child brings to the classroom in order to effectively target instruction towards students’ learning needs.

The changing world of work has brought to light the possible skills that will be needed in the workplace. These skills appear to have shifted from what we have always known. Business leaders and recruitment experts have over emphasized the growing need to hire for attitude and soft skills while being open to train for hard, technical skills.The published report of World Economic Forum (WEF) identified skills that would be critical by year 2020 to include amongst other skills “Creativity, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking and Decision-Making.The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) groups these skills as “higher order skills” with their research linking the possession of these skills at an early stage and application of them to be predictive of desirable outcomes in work and life.

While these known facts have become deafening, what options are available to teachers who are key influencers in the outcome of a country’s workforce? How do our education systems ensure that –

  • The needs of all students are incorporated in their teaching style or method to guarantee learning;
  • The teachers are competent enough to intellectually engage students and ensure a proper knowledge transfer is achieved;
  • Students are equipped with the right skills in preparation for world of work?

Given these realities, all stakeholders concerned with people development (academic, technical, socio-emotional, physical etc.) will need to significantly and intentionally review their terms of engagement to make shifts to what works. If teachers are to be truly free, endowed with the ability to deliver the kind of workforce that guarantees economic growth, we suggest the starting point to be-

  1. A review of the curriculum used in our education system to make more globally relevant and competitive;
  2. Introduction of value-driven development programs into the educational and vocational systems;
  3. Policymakers to roll up their sleeves and churn out policies that advance the growth of our knowledge systems through financial and intellectual investments in youth development programs, teacher training, supporting learning environments and general culture of the nation that rewards the needed attitudes and behaviours;
  4. Awareness of the importance of soft skills, financial literacy and the implementation of critical soft skills and entrepreneurial learning in our formal education systems;
  5. The encouragement of the use of different learning tools and resources to empower teachers to accommodate the varied learning styles of students;
  6. Intellectual investments and Continuous attention on teachers in the form of professional developments, upskilling as critical success factors in the development of a nations human capital.
  7. Review of the remuneration of teachers, in recognition of the value they bring as a tool to attracting high quality teachers who are innately inclined to people development and progress;

The list can be endless however where these are incorporated in the formal education system with a continuous improvement mind-set to ensure an alignment with skills developed in formal and vocational settings with the skills needed in the workplace at each time, the teachers, students and indeed the country will be better for it.
Quality teaching initiatives are very diverse both in nature and in function. Some of these initiatives are undertaken at teachers’ level, others at departmental, institutional or country level. This has a major career influence on children and the future workforce, it goes beyond simple knowledge transfer, and it’s a lifespan course. As such, teachers should impact knowledge based on the need and situational context of the students and all development stakeholders must encourage teacher to give their best.
In celebration of teachers today, let us be part of the movement to let Teachers teach in Freedom. Happy Teacher’s Day!


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The human person regardless of gender, race, physical appearance, intelligence…

The human person regardless of gender, race, physical appearance, intelligence. Name it has bundle of rights. These rights do not go away even in death. Reason why we accord the dead their last respect.
# Bury them right;
# Attend funerals from far and wide;
# Observe a minute silence;
# Choose rather to extol the positive of a dead person….Perhaps this is because, death puts finality to certain parts of us, reminds us the same fate awaits us and makes us realize what has not been done for the dead cannot now be reversed.
For the living, what options are available? If the human person is capable of unique feelings and interpretation to things, usually a factor of so many things- culture, historical bondages, experiences, personality and societal pressures, why then, do we pretend not to understand these fundamentals to seek ways of mutual understanding and using such knowledge to forge the path of progress?
Why have we found it so hard to co-exist as a tribe and nation? Disintegration may appear suitable, favourable in the circumstance but have we considered that by doing so, we may have solved the problem “NIGERIA” and gone ahead to create another ?Have we considered that if we could …
# Stop to reflect on our actions, thoughts when dealing with another, it may help
# See ourselves in another, it may just help us understand the “why” in another’s unreasonable behaviour. Such understanding provides the lens and emotional strength for further engagement.
# Embrace diversity as strength, it may just help to strike a balance in every situation of possible infringement of another’s rights, feelings, privileges, obligations and demands.
# Change the narrative, emphasizing on our individual strength, sitting on our demons and putting forth our best possible foot in matters of nation building?
It’s been 57 solid years of same story Nigeria. Time to change the discus to something more sustainable, which looks out for all!
Happy Independence Day Nigeria!


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Victor Ochen, Ugandan, Executive Director of African Youth Initiative Network

Victor Ochen, Ugandan, Executive Director of African Youth Initiative Network, discussing the impact
of living and growing in war on the mind of a youth. Yet defying all the odds, he pursued his dreams.

Today he is working with the youth, contributing to his society, helping the people behind to transcend
the odds around them. He emphasizes the importance of "Trust" as a change agent. He advocates
the need to build trust as you do your work. "Do not marginalize the already marginalized".
Risking his life but understanding the challenges ahead and the need for someone to do the needful,
he has been the voice, breaking boundaries and helping the vulnerable. A Nobel Prize nominee,
change agent, a movement to reckon with, the accolades are endless…
What is your excuse?
*Would you work, if you are not paid but making an impact?
*Do you see yourself as a vessel for progress, change?
*Are you trustworthy enough to be trusted by another to help through vulnerability?
The discussion on the future of work for the young is on, join the discussion. #GYEO2017,
Washington D.C.

Seek Greatness Always

Ms Madison Keys, talking about today’s event and how far they have come said…they both have trophies… this was how she chose to see the outcome.
*Ms Sloane Stephens after the match sat down with Madison Keys and shared a momenteven handed her the cheque (to hold for a while of course) while she took the trophy.
* Ms Sloane spoke about her mum supporting and being there, taking her to a tennis academy at 11. She needed to appreciate her mums believe and faith in her abilities.
*From ranking in the hundreds to…, a surgery in January and continuous practice afterwards… US Open 2017 in the ????
The talking points are endless but it tells one story …Seek greatness from wherever you are, from wherever life places you, from whatever comes at you! Life was meant for the taking.
Today we meet two new faces at the US Open 2017 final, two incredible ladies who have had their own share of low points but didn’t settle!
Greatness is 10% Talent and 90% Perspiration/patience/hard work/ resilience and then the almighty faith!

Liberation is positive, embrace it!

Can you be responsible for the growth, development and progress of another?
There are variety of gifts and talents and if all of us would look deep within ourselves to find that which
makes us unique and nurture it, the world would better for it.

If we hold this to be true, why then are we still held down even knowing we are selling ourselves
short? Why?
Could Fear, inertia, lack of courage, motivation, drive…the list is endless be responsible?
What if today you resolve within you to be more-
1) Attentive to those things that make you come alive;
2) Truthful to yourself;
3) Open to explore new frontiers;
4) Engaging to things around you;
5) Open to new knowledge;
6) Loving and forgiving
7) Hardworking
8) Careful, taking calculated risks
9) Humane
10) Willing to Learn, Unlearn, Relearn and Change what isn't serving you
If you can resolve and follow through to things that concern you, there could be
Someone watching,
Someone who looks up to you for guidance, someone who mirrors you,
Someone who is looking for the reason to stand up and be counted,
Someone who is looking for how to take the next life step,
Someone who has been placed within your sphere of influence for you to act as a bridge for them,
There could just be someone…
When you are able to let your light shine, be liberated from what has held you down, you may just be
the reason for the liberation of another!
Liberation is positive, embrace it!